
Intelligent electric

Utilising power
where it's needed.

eddi savings

Eddi Savings

Makes the most of your self generated power as apposed to 

exporting it back to the grid

saving the cost to heat your water

Extra power generation can be

diverted back to your heating systems

creating FREE hot water


100% self generated green energy

and manages how much energy you draw from the grid

You can utilise the built-in programmable boost timers

to ensure you get the most

from your solar system

If your home is adequately insulated

you can turn off your boiler

for 4-5 months

From April to September

it may be likely that you will not

have to boost your boiler for hot water

*Based on a family of four, this theory will fluctuate

eddi savings

Eddi Savings

Makes the most of your self generated power as apposed to 

exporting it back to the grid

saving the cost to heat your water

Extra power generation can be

diverted back to your heating systems

creating FREE hot water


100% self generated green energy

and manages how much energy you draw from the grid

You can utilise the built-in programmable boost timers

to ensure you get the most

from your solar system

If your home is adequately insulated

you can turn off your boiler

for 4-5 months

From April to September

it may be likely that you will not

have to boost your boiler for hot water

*Based on a family of four, this theory will fluctuate

How eddi works

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Eddi does all the thinking

Knowing how much energy to draw from the grid. Figuring out what time is the best to use surplus power. Wondering if you’re running your home as efficiently as possible.

The eddi answers all the who, what, when, where and why. The system thinks 24/7 so you don’t have to.

The eddi loves data

Number crunching is eddi’s forte… it interprets all energy saving data to make sure you achieve optimum savings.

eeco… unboxing the future of sustainable living

Proof is in the praise!

Our focus - caring for the customer

Take a listen to what they have to say

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