Are Solar Panels Worth It In Northern Ireland

Solar technician installing solar panel on a roof.

More and more people are interested in alternative energy sources, such as solar panels. Therefore, their popularity has increased in recent years. Although there are numerous upsides to installing solar panels, the upfront cost may be prohibitive for some. Many people are now wondering are solar panels worth it Northern Ireland. This post will discuss […]

Investment to Return on Solar Investment

The investment return on solar energy depends on multiple factors such as the cost of the system, the amount of energy generated, the cost of electricity, and the incentives and subsidies available. Here are some key considerations when calculating the investment return on solar: To calculate the investment return on solar, you can use a […]

MCS Certifed Scheme Solar Panels Northern Ireland Grant

MCS Certified printed on back of van.

Benefits of using a micro generation certified scheme Solar installer? There are several benefits of using a micro generation certified scheme solar installer: When you use a micro generation certified scheme solar installer, you can enjoy several insurance warranty assurance benefits as a homeowner, including: Overall, using a micro generation certified scheme solar installer can […]

Insurance & Warranty Protection

For a homeowner who has installed solar panels, insurance, warranty, and assurance can provide additional benefits and protection. In summary, insurance, warranty, and assurance can all provide benefits and protection for homeowners who have installed solar panels. It’s important to carefully read and understand the terms of each policy to ensure you are getting the […]

How To Pick the Best Solar Battery for You: Complete Guide [2023]

What types of batteries are utilized by solar panels? What are the benefits? How do you choose the perfect one? Find the answers to your questions about solar batteries and how to select a solar battery for your home. Explore the many advantages of solar technology and the advised methods for picking the finest solar […]

Are Solar Panels Worth It in Northern Ireland?

Given the recent significant increase in solar energy generation, solar panels are a goodsource of renewable energy in Northern Ireland. Each year, Northern Ireland is subjectedto between 1,000 to 1,100 hours of UV light. Solar panels can provide sufficient solarenergy from the sun with this number of UV hours to run your home. Northern Ireland […]

Our Most Commonly Asked Questions

Who is solar PV suitable for? Home and business owners with space on their roof or ground around their property Do I have enough space for a solar PV or solar immersion system? Tell us your address and we will check your property online and swiftly tell you your capabilities Does the location or orientation […]