How Homeowners Can Earn from Excess Solar Energy

The payment process for homeowners who sell their excess solar energy to Action Renewables is designed to ensure fair compensation and transparency. Here’s a detailed overview of how the process works:

1. Solar Generation

Homeowners with solar panels in NI generate electricity from sunlight. This energy powers their home, reducing reliance on grid electricity.

2. Excess Solar Energy

When solar production exceeds consumption, the surplus is fed back into the grid. A bi-directional meter tracks both electricity generation and consumption.

3. Metering and Monitoring

Action Renewables monitors the excess energy exported to the grid using a smart meter or export meter. This ensures accurate tracking of solar energy contributions.

4. Export Tariff Agreement

To sell excess energy, homeowners enter into an agreement with Action Renewables. This agreement specifies the terms, conditions, and tariff rates for the exported electricity.

5. Payment Calculation

Payments are calculated based on the agreed tariff rate and the amount of electricity exported. Compensation is typically based on a kilowatt-per-hour (kWh) rate for the surplus energy.

6. Billing and Settlement

Action Renewables issues a statement or invoice detailing the exported energy and the payment due. Homeowners receive payments or credits on their energy bills for the energy contributed to the grid.

7. Payment Transfer

Payments are made through electronic funds transfer (EFT), direct deposit, or another agreed-upon method once billing details are finalised.

8. Reporting and Communication

Regular reports are provided on solar generation, consumption, and export. Clear communication ensures transparency and allows homeowners to monitor their renewable energy contributions.

By participating in Action Renewables’ solar energy export program, homeowners benefit from lower energy bills and increased energy independence while supporting a sustainable energy system. This payment process ensures fair compensation for their contributions to clean energy.

For more information on solar panels in NI for your home or business, contact us at 028 9127 0279 or email

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